Tri-Flo Suction Catheter Kit is designed to provide you with a durable catheter that is less traumatic for the patient and provides added protection for you. Complete with a control valve for added dexterity and pop-up basin for your solution, this kit also features a Tri-Flo suction catheter that is encased in a plastic sheath to provide an additional layer of safety between the practitioner and the patient.
Tri-Flo Suction Catheter Kit Features:
- Used to clean fluids from the throat
- Plastic-wrapped suction catheter
- Control valve on catheter
- Pop-up basin
- Available in 4 sizes
How can a suction catheter kit help Tracheostomy patients?
A tracheostomy is when an incision is made in the trachea (wind pipe) in order to allow the patient to breathe. This might be done for several reasons, most commonly for emergency patients who are having trouble breathing on their own, patients who have had their larynx (voice box) removed because of cancer, or those who require a ventilator to breathe.
This type of situation requires constant care - even after they have left the hospital - such as keeping the area clean and suctioning fluid from the throat so they can breathe easier and nothing is aspirated into the lungs. A suction catheter kit would be useful because it gives you everything at your fingertips in one convenient package. This Tri-Flo suction catheter not only provides your patient with the least traumatic in suctioning care, but the provider is protected, as well.